“When you are angry, the speech you make will be the best you will ever regret.”


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I’ve known John for over 20 years and have served as an advisor for several of his writing projects. Wow, what a great writer! He organizes his thoughts concisely, communicates clearly, and always tells a great story. I’d also recommend John as a recovery counselor and speaker who cares about the whole person—spiritual, emotional and physical.
Rick Mattson
Campus Speaker/Apologist at InterVarsity
John made everyone feel wanted and everybody had an opportunity to discuss their problems at length. He did a good job of educating and getting everyone to talk instead of letting some stay silent. He kept it comfortable by not judging anyone, and the way he presented information was excellent, not clinical or institutional.
Adult Out-Patient CD client
The information I learned helped me regain control of my life and will make a difference. I'd like to thank John for all he's done and for committing his life to helping addicts.
Adult Chemically Dependent Treatment Client
I want to thank you for your excellent Four Squares presentation, John. It was both informative and educational to all. The offenders are saying how great it was! Also, your program really impacted me...that evening I picked up the phone and called my brother, who I hadn't talked to in a long time.
Jane Norman
Education Director, Oak Park Heights MN Corrections Facility
John is a deep thinker and passionate about helping people become free and successful. I have known John for decades and have always been impressed by his personal integrity and quest for the truth. He cares so much about the root causes of problems. I would wholeheartedly recommend John to anyone looking for help in breaking away from those things in life that hold us all back and keep us shackled. You can’t go wrong with John Prin.
Tom Myrick
Marketing Consultant/Business Development at Myrick Visual
Very enthusiastic. John gave my English Literature students concrete information and led the class in practicing their writing skills. His love of story-telling came through and everyone learned from his excellent presentation.
11th Grade Teacher, Suburban Twin Cities
Inspiring and practical. One of the best classes I have taken; good visuals and examples. John opened a new sensitivity for my journaling. Mr. Prin is a perceptive, wonderful trainer—the only drawback was our time together was too short.
Adult Student of Journaling Class
John's approach and method of video writing made much more sense than I had been taught previously. He was organized and knew his material, yet was flexible about taking time to answer questions.
Adult Student, l-week Video Writing Class
John is one of those unique individuals who has used his personal journey and struggles to transform himself -- and now to help others transform. His depth of knowledge and caring are impressive. He would be a tremendous resource for recovery-related services -- whether as a clinician, trainer or speaker.
Craig Polsfuss
President, Vantage Place Consulting
Extremely useful. John's training sessions showed me a whole new perspective that will help me improve my process of doing employee performance reviews. Role plays were especially valuable.
Manager, 3-day Development Conference

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